Are you a Muslim man?

If so, circumcision is a must. There are many benefits to doing so. The religious benefit is to get thawab due to performing sunnat. And according to medical scientists, there are many Benefits Of Circumcision In Islam. Many diseases of the penis are reduced. That is why Jewish Christians are now circumcised.

Circumcision reduces the risk of urinary tract infection in infants by about 90% and penile cancer by about 10%. It also reduces the risk of men acquiring HIV/AIDS from an infected female partner by 50-60%, and it decreases rates of cervical cancer in their partners as well (by about 25%). In addition, circumcision can reduce genital ulcer disease and HPV transmission in males who have sex with females; this may help prevent cervical cancer among women whose male partners practice circumcision regularly after sexual debut (as per WHO). Finally, some studies suggest that men who undergo circumcision before they become sexually active may be at lower risk for developing prostate cancer later on than those who remain uncircumcised throughout life or wait until adulthood before undergoing the procedure. However, these findings require further research before any conclusions can be drawn regarding whether or not circumcision has any protective effect against prostate cancer development in men over time.

Benefits Of Circumcision In Islam

Muslims practice circumcision as-Sunnah and ibadat, which is why anyone who isn’t circumcised will be despised.

The history of circumcision originated with Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), the first person to ever get circumcised; he even got it done himself! Since then, this has been observed as sunnah Ibraheemi–the way of our Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). And in Islam, many other traditions inherited from Ibraham are also practiced like fasting on Mondays or sacrificing animals for Eid ul Adha. It’s a continuous tradition that comes directly down to us through prophets over generations.

The grandson of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was Yaqub. His Hebrew name is Israel, which means a servant to God. The Children Of Israel are his descendants and they later converted to Jewish Christianity because circumcision has been practiced among Jews since ancient times.

Circumcision can be done for religious reasons. It is called Musalmani in our country, perhaps because the majority of people who practice it are Muslims. They think it’s an important part of life and this belief spreads to other countries as well like ours where circumcision has become a norm among many religions including Islam, Christianity, Judaism etc…

But circumcision has been practiced in ancient Egypt since 2,300 years before the birth of Jesus. According to Grafton Elliot Smith, it was even introduced more than 15,000 years ago! It also used to be a common practice among Jews and Muslims alike.